German Quotes

Text Quotes
How to say butterfly. Farfalla. Papillon. Butterfly. Mariposa. Schmetterling!!! (German Quotes)
Love can turn a cottage into a golden palace (German Quotes)
Drive German, wear Italian, drink Scotch, kiss French (German Quotes)
A German is someone who cannot tell a lie without believing it himself (German Quotes)
The whole reason of this War is because the Germans have no sense of humor (German Quotes)
There are two kinds of music; German music and bad music (German Quotes)
Hitlers come and go, but Germany and the German people remain (German Quotes)
I'm German in my mind, but from a Germany that doesn't exist any more (German Quotes)
I imagine hell like this: Italian punctuality, German humour and English wine (German Quotes)
HELL: A place where the police are German, the motorists French and the cooks English (German Quotes)
German civility, which often seems stiff to us, shows an attentive and touching respect for the person that I often prefer to our offhandedness (German Quotes)
An appeal to fear never finds an echo in German hearts (German Quotes)
When one is polite in German, one lies (German Quotes)
German diligence is actually endurance (German Quotes)
Only the language of civilized people may be spoken, thus no German (German Quotes)
The passion with which native intellectuals defend the existence of their national culture may be a source of amazement; but those who condemn this exaggerated passion are strangely apt to forget that their own psyche and their own selves are conveniently sheltered behind a French or German culture which has given full proof of its existence and which is uncontested (German Quotes)
I don't understand German myself. I learned it at school, but forgot every word of it two years after I had left, and have felt much better ever since (German Quotes)
In order to pass the time I told him the story of the German who ate the other German whom he'd met on the internet (German Quotes)
The dehydrator blows warm air on your food for hours, sometimes days. It reminds me of the temperature and intensity of dog's breath. So imagine a German shepherd exhaling on your fruit for a weekend (German Quotes)
Feminism, in all fields, has yet to produce a single scholar of the intellectual rank of scores of these learned men in the German and British academic tradition (German Quotes)
We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity. We weren't punctilious about locating and punishing only Hitler and his top officers. We carpet bombed German cities; we killed civilians. That's war. And this is war (German Quotes)
There was this mountain village in Russia where my music was getting in on some German radio station. I remember this because music used to get up to Saskatchewan from Texas. Late at night after the local station closed down (German Quotes)
You know, in 1975 I couldn't get a job in New York City because I was American. The kitchens were predominantly run by French, Swiss, German, and basically I got laughed at. I had education, I had experience, but got laughed at because I was American (German Quotes)
What? I! I love! I sue! I seek a wife! A woman that is like a German clock, still a repairing, ever out of frame, and never going aright; being a watch, but being watch'd that it may still go right! (German Quotes)
Germany has reduced savagery to a science, and this great war for the victorious peace of justice must go on until the German cancer is cut clean out of the world body (German Quotes)
What we call National - Socialism is the poisonous perversion of ideas which have a long history in German intellectual life (German Quotes)
I was definitely getting the hang of this skating thing. I'd started to copy a fancy cross - over turn from a German girl in front of me, and it was working pretty well. I was just about keeping up with her too, which was pleasing. She must have been about six (German Quotes)
I never had to learn English, French and German because I was brought up as all three languages. I had a private French teacher before I even went to school. That helped a lot (German Quotes)
I'm all self-taught. I never had a teacher. Even for English, and French, and German, I hardly went to school (German Quotes)
Unhappy German nation, how do you like the Messianic role allotted to you, not by God, nor by destiny, but by a handful of perverted and bloody minded men? (German Quotes)